What a whirlwind of a couple weeks that have just passed by! Just a couple of weeks ago we were finishing up the Lilac Parade (which turned out more eventful than any of us ever want!) and loading the trailer for So Cal and had that incredible trip in front of us. That has all come and gone with clockwork-smooth logistics, incredible experiences, and memorable performances (what trophies? :D). Although many of us caught a bug of some sort along the way, I certainly hope everyone had a wonderful time full of memories to last a lifetime ❤️
Just a couple weeks to go - but lots to do :D
June 3 - Awards Concert and Celebrations
Outside Commons or Mall
5pm - Bandwagon provided BBQ begins (CLICK HERE to RSVP)
6pm - Jazz combo music during BBQ
6:30pm - Symphonic Band (NOT concert attire, casual or section themed)
6:45pm - Wind Ensemble (NOT concert attire, casual or section themed)
7pm - Mayhem percussion ensemble (4th period percussion)
7:15pm - Jazz 2 performance
7:30pm - Jazz 1 performance
7:45pm - Awards, Senior recognition, Bunch Family Scholarship
Note on Awards attendance - We do realize there are a lot of things going on this time of year, and that this event can be lengthy. Please make sure at the minimum you are present for your performances of the evening and please stay for as much as you can to help honor our entire band community. Siblings, grandparents, friends, and others are welcome!
June 6 - Band Picnic (not required, opportunity to sign yearbooks and say goodbye to seniors!)
3pm to 5pm around the tennis courts and softball fields. Please bring gloves, rackets, etc.
This is a fun time hanging out signing yearbooks and visiting with our outgoing seniors.
June 7 - MHS Graduation (required for all non-senior band members)
Report to MHS by 5:45pm, change into formal attire, load equipment and buses. Flutes, clarinets, altos, trumpets
8pm ceremony, approximate return of 10pm.
If you plan on going home from McCarthy Center at GU, don't forget to meet by the Blue Goose and sign out in person with Mr. Lewis.
June 9 - Wind Ensemble auditions due (those currently in Wind Ensemble do not need to re-audition unless considering an instrument change)
CLICK HERE for link to folder
June 11 - Bandwagon 2024/2025 Executive Board Meeting
June 12 - Dine Out at Chipotle
June 13 - 2024/2025 Info Night
7pm, MHS Music Department (fundraising, classes, schedule, Marching Band info, etc)
June 14 - Last Day of School