Great work last week to everyone! We are getting into a nice groove and progressing nicely with the music we are preparing for our festivals coming up. This music often demands a bit more of our attention as it can be more challenging, require more independence, and it is ultimately the only concert band music throughout the year that we play in front of judges who have copies of the music score.... that means they know exactly what each individual is supposed to be doing!
I'm also very proud of our students that represented our program at the WMEA All-State performances (Ashley Conner, Isaac Ojennus, Bruce Redden). Those couple of days are filled with long rehearsals followed by performances of the music with just a short time together with about 150 other musicians from around the state. Way to go!
This week we have a rehearsal for all members of Wind Ensemble (2nd period and 3rd period students) as well as an information meeting about So Cal. If you cannot attend the meeting about the trip, please don't worry. I do my best to keep all of the information updated in the So Cal Information Guide You can always shoot me an email with questions and we'll also have a final meeting on May 14th for final details and a meet-your-chaperone session.
One BIG thing we'll need help with is our Mead Jazz Festival. Although it's not quite as large of fundraiser as the marching band show, it is a great one with a lot of bands from around Eastern WA in attendance. We're up to 30 bands in attendance and love to show them how great our program is at hosting these events!
Wednesday, February 21 - Dine Out at Mod Pizza
"Modgives25" is the code for online orders.
Make sure to let them know it's for the band!
Thursday, February 22 -
5pm to 6:30pm - Wind Ensemble and 3rd Per Percussion Rehearsal
7pm to 8pm - So Cal Information Meeting
Tuesday, February 27 -
5:30pm to 7:30pm - Wind Ensemble and 3rd Per Percussion Rehearsal
Friday, March 1 to Saturday, March 2 - CWU WindFest (Wind Ensemble)
Friday - 3:30pm Report, load bus, etc. Depart by 4:30pm
Saturday - perform at 10am, observe CWU and high school bands, return to MHS approx. 8pm
Monday, March 11, 6pm - So Cal Chaperone Meeting #1
Tuesday, March 12, 7pm - Bandwagon Meeting
Thursday, March 14 to Friday, March 15 - U of Montana Buddy De Franco Jazz Fest
Thursday departure after 1st lunch, return Friday approx. 11pm
Wednesday, March 20 - Noodle Express Dine Out
Thursday, March 21 -
SFMEA Band Fest @ Ferris (likely during the school day)
Jazz Bands Concert @ MHS
Friday, March 22 - Mead Jazz Fest Setup
Saturday, March 23 - Mead Jazz Fest
Monday, March 25, 5:30pm to 7:30pm - Symphonic Band and 4th Period Percussion rehearsal
Wednesday, March 27 - Festival Concert
Saturday, March 30 - SPRING BREAK!