Our marching band and color guard (MBCG) students were able to finally hit the road after the grind that is the month of September ... rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, wash, rinse, repeat. Congrats on a terrific day in Kennewick with a 2nd place finish overall! Great job to the performers, staff and of course our awesome chaperones!

For those of you not part of this awesome activity, you should give it some serious consideration for fall of 2024. In addition to the awesome performances, the fun, camaraderie, and lifelong memories are incredible and special. Is it tough work? YES. Is it exhausting? YES. Is it emotional and worth it?? YES!!! Everything in life we take pride in involves tremendous personal investment.
This week our program plays host to 16 marching bands from around Washington and Idaho. We need help to pull this off. Special thanks to all of those parents that have already put in hours of planning and organizing. PLEASE PLEASE check the SignUp Genius for available shifts. It's easy work and fun to see everyone be a part of our band community. We'll have over 1,000 students and 3,000 spectators at Union Stadium enjoying this incredible activity!
SIGN UP HERE to help.
We have a ton of help needed for many of our upcoming fundraisers. These include some concessions at Gonzaga Basketball, our Pacific NW Marching Band Championships, the Mead Bandwagon Craft Fair and potentially a couple others. We need you!
Although our "big" fundraisers coming up are officially group fundraisers rather than for specific student accounts, the funds directly benefit all of our students and for this year, the So Cal trip for sure! In addition to all of us helping all of us, these are tremendous opportunities for students and families in need to help our group raise the necessary funds to assist.
Our philosophy has always been that we have a passion for helping every student attend all of our events but, those students also need to meet us as close to the middle as possible and help as much as they possibly can! We can help with carpool arrangements and other details that might get in the way of participation.
Lastly, with our state's House Bill 1660, there is always a risk of these special event trips not happening without everyone's help on payments and fundraisers. This year alone could see between $25,000 to $30,000 in funds needed to fill the House Bill needs gap as well as those in need that do not qualify. Fortunately, almost every one of our students feel the desire & responsibility to help pay as much as they can to "earn their way". This minimizes that gap and minimizes the amount of money we must raise for these trips to happen. Guidance for all ... Pay as much as you can, volunteer at fundraisers, donate if you can.
Please check out those emails from our Bandwagon (pantherbandwagon@gmail.com) for more details on helping!
Monday 10/9
MBCG Rehearsal -3pm to 6pm, MHS COLOR GUARD ONLY
Tuesday 10/10
MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS MUSICIANS
Bandwagon Meeting - 7pm, MHS Band Room
Thursday 10/12
MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS ENTIRE ENSEMBLE
Friday 10/13
6 week grades - In the gradebook .....
Daily Participation (are you prepared everyday? Participating and Paying attention??)
Minor Etude Playing Assignment - uploaded to your Google Folder
Course Documents Google Form - HERE
Saturday 10/14 - Pacific NW Marching Band Championships, Union Stadium
CONCERTS & PERFORMANCES COMING UP! - meadbands.org/calendar
October 14 - MBCG at Union Stadium PLEASE HELP US!
October 21 - MBCG at Yakima/Zaepfel Stadium
October 28 - MBCG at Pullman/WSU Martin Stadium
November 1 - Jazz bands at Whitworth for SFMEA Festival (school day)
November 7 - ALL band members Fall/Veterans Day Concert, 7pm, MHS