Mead High School Band and Color Guard
Dream. Believe. Achieve.Belong!
How we function as a group!
As a student or parent of the Mead High School Band and Color Guard program, you will be involved in one of the most EXCITING and entertaining performing arts programs in the state of Washington! The pursuit and achievement of excellence does not happen accidentally; It takes the combined efforts of our students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community. You must have the motivation, desire, and willingness to put in the time and energy necessary to continue our tradition of excellence. Band and Color Guard are groups that we like to consider our “school families” in which strong friendships and lasting relationships develop.
We ask that you follow instructions, understand and follow the policies and rules set forth, and above all, do your best and HAVE FUN! Having the “right' kind of fun is imperative. Although it isn't always giggles and laughter, roller coasters, and trips, the rewards of discipline and hard work will pay off in so many other aspects of your band experience and life!
The information contained in our MSD Activities & Athletics Handbook and the MHS Student Handbook is important to your success and the success of the organization. Even though it may seem to be “common sense,” don’t take anything for granted. If you have questions, just ask. The material contained in the handbook is not meant to be memorized. Refer to the information on occasion and when you have questions.​
Participation Requirements
This section will provide information on what it is the students are required to do, rather the nuts and bolts of eligibility, forms, etc for participation
Minimums for Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Percussion as noted ​
Fall Band Concert and prep rehearsals (November, all members - no concert in 2024)
Winter Holiday Band Concert and prep rehearsals (December, all members)
SFMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival (1st Saturday of February, Wind Ensemble & Varsity Percussion)
Festival Concert(s) and prep rehearsals (March, all program members)
SFMEA Band Festival and prep rehearsals (March, all members)
Lilac Parade and prep rehearsals (May, all members)
End of Year Awards Concert and prep rehearsals (June, all members),
Graduation and prep rehearsals (June, all 9-11 grade members)
Additional Options
Marching Band and Color Guard (Mid August to November 1-ish)
Jazz Band (for credit class, 2 to 3 levels, yearlong course)
Basketball Pep Band (6-8 games, December to Mid Feb
Special Event Trips
Earning Individual Program Awards
Students involved in the Mead High School Band and Color Guard programs work very hard at what they do. As recognition of these efforts that take place outside the school day, students are able to achieve the following awards:
Freshman Award - This award is given to 9th grade students that have successfully completed 1 year in the program and have participated in marching band. Successful completion includes attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
Participation Award - This award is given to students that have successfully completed 1 or 2 years in the program and have not participated in marching band in one or both those years. Successful completion includes attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
1st Year Letter Award - This award is given to students that have successfully completed 2 years in the program and have participated in marching band both of those years. This award is also given to those students that have successfully completed 3 years in the program and have not participated in marching in one or more of those years. Successful completion includes attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
2nd Year Letter Award - This award is given to students that have successfully completed 3 years in the program and have participated in marching band all of those years. This award is also given to those students that have successfully completed 4 years in the program and have not participated in marching in one or more of those years. Successful completion includes attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
3rd Year Letter Award - This award is only given to students that have successfully completed 4 years in the program and have participated in marching band all of those years. Successful completion includes attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
Senior Blanket - Senior blankets are awarded to those students that have successfully completed 4 years within the program.
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award - This award is given to a student for his/her outstanding jazz musicianship and positive contributions to the jazz program.
Woody Herman Jazz Award - This award is given to a student for his/her outstanding jazz musicianship and positive contributions to the jazz program.
Dorothy Hutchinson Award - This award is given in recognition of the most outstanding junior class band student.
Rod Ekholm Memorial Award - This award is given to a student in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Mead Bands.
Patrick S. Gilmore Award - This award is given to a concert band student for his/her outstanding musicianship and positive contributions to the concert band programs (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble)
John Philip Sousa Award - This award is given to a concert band student for his/her outstanding musicianship and positive contributions to the concert band programs (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble)
Awards are earned by school year and will be handed out near the end of each year at concerts or recitals as designated by the schedule or directors. Those students that do not complete a school year will not be considered for awards in that year. That year of incompletion will also likely not be considered as experience towards future awards.
Use of School Equipment and Materials
School equipment and materials will be used by our programs when available and will be checked out to students by the directors and/or instructors.​
Students are responsible for equipment and materials checked out to them. Lost or damaged equipment will result in a charge for replacement.​
Students using school equipment will have a cleaning and maintenance fee. See fee information released at the start of the school year for more information.
Failure to turn in equipment or materials or pay for lost or damaged equipment may result in the withholding of awards, school activities, diplomas, and/or possible suspension from participation.​
Students are highly encouraged to use the school-provided lockers and locks. Non school-owned locks are not to be used and will likely be removed via bolt cutters.
Travel and Transportation Policies
The Mead Band will make accommodations for transportation for student performers to and from events. All student performers are expected to use the provided transportation to and from all events. In the event that the Mead Band cannot provide transportation OR the student has special circumstances that prohibit them from using the provided transportation, the student will travel under the following conditions:
An Alternative, or Private, Travel Form, signed by a school administrator, and is on file with the band directors allowing the student performer to ride with his or her parent/guardian, another adult, or on their own.
NOTE: Student performers will not be granted permission to travel with another student.
Directors may excuse a student performer from final return travel from practices or contests on the provided transportation given both of the following conditions are met:
The student and adult responsible for the final travel accommodations have made personal contact with the directors just prior to departure.
A signed note from the parent/guardian releasing the student to the adult responsible for the final travel accommodations has been given to the directors.
NOTE: Students must remain for the completion of rehearsals and events including all duties such as truck loading and clean up are finished.
Behavioral Expectations While Traveling
Participants on school related trips are subject to all school district rules and policies while on that trip. Overnight stays will be subject to strict rules and expectations with serious consequences for violations. Any violation of travel rules/expectations may result in suspension from the activity and additional consequences for violation of general school rules (e.g. chemical use on a school bus).
Represent his/her school well with high levels of musicianship & adult-like behavior.
Students must be in groups of a minimum of three at all times.
Follow rules: If in doubt, don’t “just do it” - ASK first. If your teachers and/or parents were standing next to you, would you still do it? What does your gut feeling tell you?
Be alert to changes in schedules.
Stay with assigned rooms, bus, bus seats unless given permission by the director to change.
Speak respectfully to all adult leaders & fellow travelers.
Follow policies set by the professional bus driver.
Enter buses by giving your last name to the individual taking attendance.
Students may not be on buses without adult supervision. Exceptions may be for "on-and-off" trips to load or grab items left behind.
Stay in bus seats at all stops until released by the directors or the head bus chaperone.
Be at assigned locations, on time & stay with a group at all times. Required number of students in a group will be stated for each particular situation with the usual minimum being 3 students.
Only bring a “ personal audio” device with headphones if choosing to listen to music.
Be in room at designated time at night, stay in room & turn lights out 30 minutes later. (lights out + sleep time)
Do not smoke, drink alcohol, take illegal drugs. Prescription AND non-prescription medication may only be taken following the school policy, which requires a school permission form (get one from the office) filled out by a doctor.
Refrain from “emotional activity” and PDA (public displays of affection). Please understand that any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions at the discretion of the directors.
Clean up after yourself on the bus and in other areas used near you such as hotel rooms and gyms.
Spend your money wisely, considering the needs of the entire trip. (meals that the student pays for, etc).
Be responsible for your instrument, uniform in bag, & personal belongings throughout the trip, ALL with labels.
Hotel Guidelines​
Students will ONLY be in the room that was assigned to them. Boys will NEVER be in a girls room and girls will NEVER be in a boys room.
Outgoing phone calls, pay TV movies, & other incidental charges will not be accessible to the room. Please do not access them if they are accidentally available. No room-to-room or cell phone calls after lights out are permitted.
Any charges to the room will be the responsibility of those in the room and they will need to be explained to the directors.
Please keep in mind that we are among many paying customers in the hotel.
Consequences from Travel and Hotel Guideline Violations​
First Offense: Warning from a director and possible call home to parent/guardian.
Second Offense: Call home to parent/guardian. Additionally, the student is assigned to a chaperone for the remainder of the trip with possible exclusion from activities.
Third Offense: Student is sent home at the expense of the parent/guardian. Parent may have the option of coming to get the student.
Suspension Process
Students may be suspended from participation for violations of rules as outlined in this document. In the event of a suspension from the band program or a band program activity, the following steps will be used:
Student(s) will be notified by the director AND/OR
A phone call will be made and/or a suspension letter will be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s).