Mead High School Band and Color Guard
Dream. Believe. Achieve.Belong!
$ Fundraising $
Contact pantherbandwagon@gmail.com for details
The Mead Bandwagon (booster club of the MHS Band and Guard) and Mead HS ASB groups are proud to offer many fundraiser opportunities to assist our students and their families in meeting the financial needs of our program. With that said, not every student participates in all of the opportunities and often does not participate in any of them.
Our fundraisers are organized and run by either our Mead Bandwagon OR our Mead High School Associated Student Body, or ASB. Each of those groups will offer fundraisers that earn money for specific students or the general fund. Please check closely for which fundraisers are for student earnings or for general account (good of the group).
Money earned from either of our fundraiser groups is officially property of those groups which is then credited/scholarshipped to student fees. Students are not directly in receipt of money earned.
Lastly, our fundraising offerings do not change much and generally stay constant over a student's time in the program. Please take advantage of the opportunities every chance you get to save for those band expenses.

Mead Bandwagon will oversee the operation of one or more beverage tents during Hoopfest.
Net profit will be divided amongst workers.
High School-aged students are eligible to work including incoming freshman.

Summer Car Washes
Car wash coupons/tickets sold in advance
Must be 13 years old to work
Profit - The profit from pre-sales and event day sales are divided between those that work or who sold coupons/tickets in advance of the event.

MBCG Car Wash
August - during band camp
Car wash tickets sold in advance by students
Required participation for MBCG Students
Proceeds from this carwash go both to the Band ASB general fund and students have the opportunity to sell above the minimum for credit towards MBCG season fees.

Pacific NW MB Championships
2nd Saturday of October
Parents and students of our program are asked to assist with the annual running of this Spokane tradition.
Marching Bands and Color Guards from the Pacific NW compete.
Parent help is needed for logistics, hospitality, ticket sales, field set up, etc.
Proceeds from this event go to the MHS ASB Band General Fund

Poinsettia Sale
Late October & November
Students are encouraged to contact connections they may have with doctor's offices or other places of business that decorate for the holidays.
Students will receive a credit towards band fees from the profit made from the sale of each plant.
Contact Carrie Babcock - bghootiefan@msn.com

Discount Card Sale
Winter - Possible for Winter 23/24
Cards will be checked out and sold by students.
Cards will contain discounts towards purchases at local businesses.
Students will receive a credit towards band fees.

Craft Fair
Mid November
Hundreds of crafters and thousands of customers spend two days in the Mead HS Mall, Field House and Gym selling and buying holiday items.
Students and parents assist in set-up and the running of this fundraiser.
Students can earn community service credit through this event.
Funds from this event go to our Bandwagon General Fund.

GU Basketball Concessions
Winter Basketball & Spring Baseball
Mead Bandwagon will be in charge of one or more of the concession stands for the GU Men's and Women’s Basketball games.
Students and parents will be the work force for these concessions and have the opportunity to earn funds.
Students must be 16 years old to work. Friends and family members can work on behalf of those students not yet 16 years old.
Health card is recommended, not required (required of adult lead)
Proceeds from this fundraiser are credited to the student.

Union Stadium Concessions
Fall and Spring
Mead Bandwagon will be offered opportunities to work concessions at Union Stadium during events.
Students and parents will be the work force for these concessions.
Proceeds from this fundraiser are for the General Fund of our Bandwagon.

Mead Jazz Festival
Considered one of the Northwest's finest high school jazz festivals. Over 30 bands from around the state are on campus to compete!
MHS Jazz Band students and parents assist with festival set-up, concessions, hospitality, etc.
Stay tuned in early March for more info about shifts and schedules.
Proceeds from this event go to the MHS ASB Band General Fund.

Mead Marching Madness 5K
Run or walk around the beautiful areas surrounding Mead High School
MHS band and guard students and parents assist with route set-up, check-in, etc. They also are encouraged to run! or walk :)
Many runners will use this as a qualifier for Bloomsday
Stay tuned in early March for more info about shifts and schedules
Funds from this event go to our Bandwagon General Fund

Spokane Arena Concessions
Mead Bandwagon will oversee the operation of concession stands at the Spokane Arena during various events such as Chiefs Hockey, arena football, concerts, NCAA Basketball, etc.
Requirements: Must be at lease 16 years old, have a valid WA State food handlers permit, and wear black pants. Adults are also asked to obtain a class 12 Alcohol permit.
Profit: The group is paid 10% of the gross sales (pre tax). The profit is then split on an hourly basis between the workers for each event. Payment is made about 4 weeks after the shift is worked.
Sign up via email, Sign Up Genius, or Bandwagon meetings
Students and/or parents will either checkout products or sign up to work shifts. All funds received are to be paid to the Mead Bandwagon OR MHS Band ASB depending on the group facilitating the fundraiser.
Money will be turned into the MHS Business Office OR the Mead Bandwagon; NEVER the directors.
No money earned as part of these fundraisers can ever be used or given to anyone for anything other than to offset Band or Color Guard expenses.
When is money credited to my student’s fees?
It depends on the fundraiser, please see each fundraiser for more details.
What happens if I have extra money in my student’s account when they graduate?
Any money that a parent paid into the account can be returned. Any fundraised money in the student’s ASB account remains property of Mead High School. Any money in the Mead Bandwagon account remains property of the Mead Bandwagon.
What happens if my student doesn’t continue in Band or Color Guard ?
Any money that a parent paid into the account can be returned. Any fundraised money in the student’s ASB account remains property of Mead High School. Any money in the Mead Bandwagon remains property of the Mead Bandwagon