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Mead High School Band and Color Guard
Dream. Believe. Achieve.Belong!
Mead Bandwagon
P.O. Box 28071
Spokane, WA 99228​
​​The Mead Bandwagon spends endless hours serving the students of the Mead High School Band and Color Guard. From providing supervision as chaperones, organizing fundraisers, and feeding our students, there are many ways you can get involved. As a parent of a Mead High School Band student, you are considered a member of the Bandwagon. Our program would not be where it is today without the tremendous amount of parent support we receive.
Meetings during the school year are generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the MHS Band Room. Please check the calendar for specific dates.
2024-2025 OFFICERS​​
President - Kori Baker
Vice President - Jaime Lamanna
Secretary - Amanda Short
Treasurer - Carrie Babcock
Past Officer Advisor - Mark Rodewald
Alumni Officer - Angelica Moore​​
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